Days since I've seen the sun: 5
I've decided to keep track of how many days I've been deprived of sunshine. This way, when my seasonal affected disorder kicks in, I can better monitor its severity. Not that I've ever had SAD, but normally I get to look forward to snow and snow sports. We'll see how I go.
Maybe it isn't fair to penalize NL for the two days of crap weather we had in DC, but nevertheless they contribute to the tally.
Labels: life in holland
Maybe you should check these things out before you start getting all Bergmanesque and start playing chess with Death and such...
10:07 PM GMT+1
Good idea! The Dutch version is basically a self tanning booth. It's quite disturbing.
10:11 PM GMT+1
I teenk eet's verry fohnny that you call yourself Jen Haag. sounds like Jen Hog. I'm not actually sure WHY that's funny...
1:14 AM GMT+1
9:07 AM GMT+1
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