Giving Thanks
Wow has it really been a whole year since I left DC? Indeed, this time last year B- and I awoke on a borrowed air mattress on the floor of our empty condo. Our luggage was organized in a corner, and Nigel was obviously a bit nervous. Pets always know something is up. I dunno why we act so surprised.
I think it goes without saying that this has probably been the most eventful year of my life. There's a lot to shake my fist at, for sure. However, often it's in the midst of chaos and hardship that we come to realize what really matters.
This year, I'm most thankful for B-. Not for the obvious reason that he agreed to put up with me for the rest of our lives, and I have witnesses. Rather, I'm grateful that he's a kind, upstanding, and flexible person. As an Aussie, he's culturally programmed to view things through "she'll be alright" colored glasses, but it is precisely his optimism that has kept me on my feet this year. People, you really must go out and get yourselves a nice Australian.
Other things I have to be thankful for this year, in no particular order, include:
-- Weddings and Babies. Many happy returns to all my fellow newlyweds and to all the new parents. 2006 was definitely the year of new beginnings. Ganesha must be exhausted.
-- Friends and family who gave us encouragement, gave us a place to stay, watched our pets, watered our plants, and gave us a chance.
-- Cheap airfare and frequent flier miles.
-- Special thanks go to A- who pretty much sold my condo for me. Please come visit! We'd love to see you guys.
-- Belgium
-- My parents for tirelessly forwarding our mail, DVDs, and other comforts from home
-- B-'s family for entertaining and enthusiastic phone calls
-- F-, R-, R-, D- and M- who actually came to visit
-- iTunes, Skype, email, IM, cheap calling cards, blogs
-- Democrats
-- The weird Surinamese shop that stocks South Carolina boiled peanuts
-- The new organic store that stocks paneer cheese and black beans
-- Our landlord for including gas, electricity, water, internet and cable in our rent so we don't have to deal with utility companies
-- Dutch people who don't mind speaking English to us
-- My yoga teachers and colleagues back on Prince St. who gave me the tools to deal with this crazy ride
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I miss you!
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